共為你找到:200筆resume format for pgt 相關企業資訊
For you Hair 團隊即日起招募,培養訓練專業優質人員,讓你在未來擁有與人一較長短之驚人專長,短短幾年光陰換取未來人生大道,讓FOR YOU HAIR打造全新人生。 在人力銀行刊登在刊登,尋找不到適合的公司行號,亦或始終尋求不到自己的理想及興趣之工作,何不嘗試學個一技之長,自己的雙手自己的藝術,是在現在或未來都不會機器取代的! For you 團隊擁有完整教育體系,不論您程度階段問題亦或完全不會,凡是加入 For you hair 均享有完整教育以及優質員工福利! For you 團隊需要對美對髮的藝術執著及滿腔熱情的您加入!
Samsonico International Co., Ltd. was established in 1973. We are a trading company that have more than 30 years experience in gift items, particularly gifts for men, game sets, gadget tools are our main products. However, we are also capable in sourcing and developing new product lines in this industry. We are key vendor to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Dillards, Stein Mart, and Bon Ton. We also produce all of the gifts for Chaps, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, Guess, and Nautica for brands lines. Through past 10 years, Samsonico has grown even bigger in sourcing products in varies categories including electronics products and small home appliance. With Samsonico, we provides, creates, manages and delivers the right information and goods to our customers at the right time, in the right format. We perform good services and always ensure our product quality have lead us to the successful stage of having good and long relationship with all of our customers today. We are also capable in product and packaging design, and can come up with the unique creation for our customers to meet the market tendency and prevailing trend; that has been the main strength to keep our business grow with branded gift items such as Nautica, Chaps, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. Furthermore, we have a quantity control team in China that take care of the quality in products we ship to the customers. With us, you are ensured both quality and service.
We are a leading OEM producing Electric Gear Motors & controls for the furniture, medical and fitness industry. We have been producing and supplying motors and electronics since 1985. We also will be sourcing both mechanical and electrical components in China for our other manufacturing facilities in USA and Taiwan. We offer a unique opportunity for an individual who has recently or is about to graduate with a degree in engineering to grow with our China operation. If meet the requirements below and are looking to build a successful future and are willing to be groomed by our American General Manager, please send your resume and picture to [email protected] or [email protected]. Requirements: • Education Desired: Bachelor or above with Level four English ability in writing and reading • Major: Electronic Engineering preferably with a minor in Mechanical Engineering or relative, QA • Skill Requirements: Altium Designer(Protel), Keil, Autocad 2D, Solidworks or ProE 3D modeling. • Job Responsibilities : R&D management, 2D and 3D drafting, Statistic Process Control, Quality control for mass production • Past Employment: Not important, We seek somebody who has no problem to work in China. • Self motivated and able to apply high standards of professionalism to all areas of responsibility. • Be electrically and mechanically inclined, able to recognize and report problems. Job Description: • Writing software, Manufacturing process control, Quality system maintenance, Quality Assurance Inspections, 2D and 3D drafting. • Will inspect our production at various locations in China, write reports to our American General Manager and Taiwan Manager. • Should be willing to travel, willing to relocate to JiangSu & Guangdong Province.
Amcom, founded in 1999, is to supply Multi-Format LCD display solutions. In Taiwan, we have our own R&D and manufacturing facility to ensure the high-quality products, as well as world-class technology and management techniques to furnish customers with total solutions. Over the year, we have expanded our business to the worldwide. By consistently refining the distribution process, we are able to provide more exceptional quality of LCD display at a reasonable cost. At Amcom, our goal is to continue our ongoing efforts to promote our products, to guarantee the quality, and to offer the best service for customers satisfaction.
在這個資訊充斥、市場多元化的資本社會,琳瑯滿目的服務品項,讓使用者迷惑,如何在短時間內篩選出最實用且便利的商品或服務,成了使用者最大的困擾;而提供值得信賴的服務及正確資訊,即是促使我們成為服務平台中最重要的因素。 悠活團隊秉持著讓消費者時時刻刻都能享受『悠遊生活 快意人生』的宗旨,致力於推出結合美感、精緻、優質、創意與符合人性的綠色消費性商品,以及整合性的服務,例如企業內外訓/小型商展(記者會.產品說明會)/個展生日PARTY/婚企策劃與執行/企業CIS或個人形象品牌的建立等獨一無二的服務,讓悠活的使用者擁有便利的生活,有更精彩的幸福人生。 透過悠活易時代所提供的企業內訓與心靈成長講座,我們期許自己更進一步地提供使用者身心的提升與平衡,做個快樂的現代人,並創造屬於自己的幸福,以達到『悠遊生活 快意人生』的最終目的。 來到悠活,讓您充滿創意與幸福的生活!
愛心美食工作室(網址為:www.food-for-love.com.tw)我們雖僅是一個小小不起眼的工作室,無高貴氣派的辦公大樓,但在台灣這塊土地上發揮助人的愛心卻是不落人後,工作室的每位成員個個都是內心充滿著做愛心的熱忱與使命感,鑑於現今仍有許多孩童因先天的缺憾或可憐的遭遇而暗自在黑暗的角落哭泣,故本公司為了傳播[消費同時行善,行善不必一定要捐款]的觀念並秉持[讓行善者亦享有好品質商品]的理念,除了堅持我們的商品品質要好之外,並將商品出售淨利之一部分(目前一年已可捐出數十萬元)提撥來捐助較受大眾忽略之育幼院.迷失少年收容機構.....等之兒童照護團體,尤其是較位處偏遠地區之慈善單位,(且慈善團體開立之收據我們均可出示給客戶看),以期能以小小的力量來把一般大眾藏於內心底層的愛心發揮出來,並能提供那些行大善的慈善單位一些些的幫助,進而讓那些可憐的孩童均能接受到社會的溫暖,這是我們的心願. 加入我們的行列,福利雖無法與公家機關或大財團相比,但因考量工作時間長且辛苦,故工作室提供之收入還不差,尤其歡迎經濟壓力沉重或弱勢家庭之年輕人來共襄盛舉做愛心. (欲更深入了解本工作室之理念,請參考本工作室網站).
Telemosa, Inc. is a company with explosive growth potential, expert of broadband platform, focused in the system architecture; H/W & S/W integration, innovative and custom design for broadband networks. We are: - Exclusive vendor to MOTOROLA with proprietary CPE solution for the SME solution - Largest Triple-Play CPE vendor to PCCW for NOW broadband TV - Join development partner of NTTBP for a powerful mobile internet solution We offer competitive compensation package and challenging career prospect to the right person. Please send us your detailed resume with job applied.
沐葉 For Hair 秉持 [健康、時尚、樂活] 的領導理念,首度於竹北高鐵區打造唯一沙龍級美髮新據點! 強調以 Hair 為中心,結合 Health Beauty 的概念,並以寬敞舒適的空間和溫暖親近的調性來迎接顧客!使都市中的人們回歸到自然愜意的情境裡,開啟全新的感官體驗~~!
Seagull Scientific is an USA Company founded in 1985. We are the developer of “BarTender,” a leading software application well known around the world for excellence in label printing, bar code generation, and RFID encoding. Our software is used both stand-alone and as an integrated component of large-scale supply chain management solutions based on platforms from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and others. Seagull is now approximately 90+ people Software Company worldwide. The Seagull Asia-Pacific Headquarter is the Taiwan branch, located in Taipei. It is one of three offices outside of the USA that have actively contributed to our steady long-term growth. Crucial to our success over many years has been the careful evaluation of talent and the recognition and reward of employees for their excellence and hard work. So, Come Join The Team! This is truly an exciting time for us, but we definitely need to have the right people onboard to help us reach the next level. If you are a creative individual that enjoys the challenges of hard work in exchange for real opportunity and recognition for your efforts, please e-mail us your resume and cover letter for consideration. 美商海鷗科技創立於西元1985年,總公司位於美國華盛頓州的西雅圖. 於1987年推出第一個標籤列印軟體 「BarTender」至今已翻譯完成20多種國際語言,銷售全世界. 亞太區域據點是於2004年成立. 就在臺灣! 加入我們! 激勵員工「勤奮」和「創造」,讓員工在職場上盡情發揮、成長和迅速提升責任感是我們的經營理念;我們提供您愉快、舒適的工作環境,歡迎熱誠、向上、個性開朗、以及有責任感的人士加入我們的行列。 流利的英文是我們必備的要求,如果您有興趣加入我們的行列, 請將您的英文履歷以電子郵件的方式寄給我們.
Contrarian Group 為一橫跨航運、物流、後勤、和海運之跨國企業,於亞洲尋求充滿活力、知識豐富之職員。我們尋求對於近東、中東、與遠東物流和全球物流有豐富經驗的職員。 我們需要職員分析現行物流、航運之流程,同時為我們的客戶研擬商品物流策略和方法,以滿足他們於此地區的需求。 A multi-national company that provides shipping, logistics and maritime services is looking for energetic, knowledgeable candidates to expand its footprint in the Asian market. The ideal candidate would have current experience in Near and Middle East, East Asia and world-wide shipping. Responsibilities include providing analysis of current processes to develop strategies that meet our clients requirements for a wide range of services sourced from within the region. Expertise in one or more of the following areas is preferred: - Port security personnel - Inspections - Database management - Shipping managers - Customs enforcement - Logistics coordinators - Disaster recovery systems and plans - Data backup services and management - Analysis - Communication technology and IDS - Operating systems and platforms - Documentation Managers - Sales managers - Freight forwarding If you are interested, please email your resume and contact details to [email protected]
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